Colorful Cultures India
Human beings are drawn close to one another by their Common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart.”–Confucius
Understanding that we have differences is the first step in solving the mystery of cross-cultural communication. As we get familiar with these differences we can ‘change our own attitude’, be ‘mindful’ in communication with others, successfully get our message across and make business.
In the midst of this remarkable economic progress, India’s cultural traditions still continue to exert a strong influence on almost every aspect of human interaction, including business. India is an amalgamation of cultures, and this cultural diversity gives India its ability to adapt, adopt and compete in the global business arenas.
This program is the opportunity to introduce and understand India’s cultural values and how they impact business relations.
What you’ll get:
- Work on main cultural differences in approaching communication between India and Romania
- Communication styles, Feedback particularities, conflict approaches, decision-making styles, world & time views
- Strategies to close Communication Gaps
- Strategies for Managing Meetings, Solving Conflicts, Making Decisions
- How to adapt the same message to people from the Other Culture
- Explore the obstacles when working on projects
- Personal & professional benefits of gaining intercultural business competences and having global world views"
Culture & Customs
- Core Values and Implications for business
- Business Protocol
- Local Business Environment