Key Account Management I
The overall aim of every company/KAM is to achieve Key Supplier Status for if you cannot, KAM is always going to be a hard struggleis to help This KAM module is designed to focus on the particular challenges of your market, and will take full note of current approaches, including Portfolio Management and Customer Journey Mapping, the latter being a key ingredient of the KAM task Delegates will work on live customer issues throughout this workshop, developing live plans. As an additional help in achieving your goals, you will be given a unique designed Performance Map tool, before attending the workshop, and receive by return a personalised 'Map' showing your strengths, weaknesses, and critical focus areas.
- Understand the purpose, benefits, requirements and implications of AM/KAM.
- Assess your current KAM status and identify the most important development needs.
- Be able to manage the customer relationship towards planned goals.
- Be able to identify and influence the customer's decision making process.
- Be able to plan and implement a cross-functional contact strategy.
- Develop responses and plans designed to achieve Key Supplier Status.