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In such complex and uncertain situations, people do not feel engaged, emotion often overcomes logic, some feelings of ‘moving backward’ may appear, traditional planning doesn’t work anymore, budgeting processes are made obsolete, risk management becomes a major factor of success, rigid strategies do not make sense, leadership styles must be interchangeable, delivering successful projects becomes a nightmare, … and managers are more than ever requested to lead change & innovation.

Join our event and discover Innovation in 5 Steps:

• The World After Midnight: Replacing our old brains by new ones 
• Organisation or Structure? What really matters to make people move? 
• Defeating resistance and boosting engagement 
• Design thinking at a Glance 
• The global RabbitTM Model: Innovation demystified

Entrance fee 375 eur + VAT 
Early bird, for registrations up to September 15th - 15% discount 
Registrations up to September 30st - 10% discount 
Registrations up to October the 10th - 5 % discount 

For 3 or more people from the same company participating at the event there is a discount of 10%

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