Alexandru Mocioi
Trainer Alexandru Mocioi
Software Engineer / Senior Java Trainer
- 7 years of software development experience for medium and large scale projects, both governmental and private companies;
- 5 years of Java Core Enterprise and NoSQL experience, 7 years of Javascript and SQL experience, 4 years of Golang experience;
- 4 years of Corporate Training experience,
- Delivered courses like Java Fundamentals, Java Web Enterprise, Advanced Java Training, Java Performance, Java Design Patterns and Architecture, Java Enterprise with Spring and Hibernate.
- Public speaker for Open Source communities;
- Attended soft skills training: Train the Trainer, Public speaking and communication, Learning methodologies, Agile with Scrum
Java Core:
- Java ecosystem specifics
- Java language specifics and data types
- OOP principles
- Modifiers
- Advanced OOP: abstraction
- Java Collection Framework
- Errors and Exceptions
- Java IO, NIO, Streams
- Threads and synchronization
- Serialization
Java Enterprise:
- Servlet (HTTP api), JSP, JSTL
- Session management: session API, Cookies
- Web Server, Tomcat, DataSource
- Enterprise Archictecture
- JQuery, Ajax, Underscore.js
- HTML5 js apis
Enterprise Frameworks:
- Spring MVC Spring Core(IoC container)
Backend (data access):
- ORM,
- JPA,
- Hibernate,
- Transactions (ACID)
- Spring Transactions API
Java Advanced:
- Algorithms,
- Performance,
- Memory Model,
- GC,
- JIT,
- Aspect Oriented Programming,
- Design Patters,
- Multi-threading concerns,
- Distributed systems: JMS, Hazelcast, Gearman
Java 8 core
- Big Data
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